beercanbear OnlyFans - Free Access to 32 Videos & 81 Photos Onlyfans Free Access

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Description beercanbear

I’m an older bear, my cock is just 7” long but *9 3/4”* around; waaaay past beer can diameter, more like a soup can, but Soup Can Bear didn’t sound cool enough 😂… I love showing off… I get fat and hard knowing you’re watching me play with my freakishly large cock and multiple, copious loads😈

It’s certainly not the longest or prettiest cock you’ve ever seen, but definitely the girthiest, thickest, and hardest!!

I can cum twice, sometimes three times in a row, loads of creamy, thick cum… and my cock gets as hard, red, and swollen as a muscle. I’m not kidding when I say that I get light headed when I have a full erection…

Imagine this monster in your hand… you can’t even squeeze your fingers halfway around it, can you? Will the head even fit past your lips? It gets so thick and tight that it hurts, but in a very, very good way.

While it’s sometimes frustrating to be cursed with a square peg in a round hole world, I love showing off for you!

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