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Description robinpachino

Ann (subMissAnn) Born 24 September, on the Virgo / Libra cusp, Ann is a perfectionist desparately seeking balance. Ann grew up in the San Francisco area. She was a flutist and an art composer. Ann graduated with a Double Major in flute performance and music composition from both University of Redlands (B.M.) and Mill’s College (M. A.) Ann moved to Los Angeles in 1979 and was a member of the Independent Composer’s Association. She’s a mother of two (a boy and girl), a grandmother of four (2 boys and 2 girls). Ann owned a small business, Merrymaking Children’s parties from Possibility to Reality, doing upgrade custom children’s parties in Los Angeles while she raised her children. Since November 2005, she has a porn career under the name of “Robin Pachino”. She has an educational BDSM site, Author, Foodie, Pro submissive, Extreme BDSM Model, Adult Porn Star, Pony Play Enthusiast, D/s Lifestyler, Perverse, Deviant. Hiker. Bootblacking.

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